My road to riches is within reach! I put prints and hand written signs on my wall that's beside of my bed. It seems funny that I wrote a ridiculous number of " 1,000,000,000. But for me, I did that to always remind myself that nothing is impossible in life. I know to myself that it takes years to achieve that massive wealth. To be honest, I just don't really care about the numbers. My main focus about why I want to have so much money is because of my listed " Why's." Oh, and also, I wrote a qoute that came from Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." I posted that quote to always remind myself that there is no such thing as limitation or scarcity in life. The rest are my trading mistakes, secret of the millionaire's mind declarations, and lastly, the title of Cong TV's Vlog "BALUABLE." Cong or Lincoln is my favorite youtuber because he inspires me so much about life. To not give up and alw...