Eyy it's 2019 wipieeee. New year means new commitment.Sorry for not writing consistently. I focused on some other matters that's why I stopped writing for a while. But since I'm back and super energetic, then let's get it oooon!! I promised and dedicated that I will change my life and think like a successful person
Yeap, got it right. I'll work out every single day to be fit while listening to Gary's podcast. The thing I like about Gary is that he promotes authenticity. Like you don't need to change yourself just to please others. Then I'll eat less meat and prioritize vegetables.
Post every week in this blog. I need to document my journey to becoming a profitable trader. I want to prove to people that there are no such thing as overnight success. As of this writing, I'm not yet a profitable trader. My gains are just being swallowed up by my losses.
I'll try to be as healthy as I can that's why I will just use my vape very often and reading every single daaaaaaaay. Trying to read and act like a millionaire cause someday I know in my heart that millions of money will come to me
Plan Trades every day and every week and this includes journaling. Less scrolling on social media, less alcohols and strictly NO CIGARETTES. I will participate to class everyday, in order to have a study-work(Trading) Balance.
I know someday i can present this blog to people and prove them wrong about OVERNIGHT SUCCESS
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